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What We Offer



SIMURG(SI) Tokenomics:30,000,000 
30% (9 Million)— Pre-sale
30% (9 Million) — Airdrop
30% (9 Million) — Marketing
10% (3 Million) — Team



Please read this entire "Legal Notice" section carefully. Nothing herein constitutes legal, financial, Business or tax advice and you should consult your own legal, financial, tax or other professional advisor(s) before undertaking any activity in connection therewith. Simurg (the Company), Simurg (as defined herein), or any project team member (Simurg team), any distributor/seller of $Simurg Tokens (Distributor), or any service provider who has worked on the Project to Develop Simurg in any way shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damage or loss that you may suffer in connection with access to this Whitepaper.

Purpose of the Project: You acknowledge that you have acquired $SIMURG to participate in SIMURG and receive services on the ecosystem. The Company, the Distributor and their respective affiliates will develop and contribute to the underlying source code of SIMURG. The Company is acting only as an arm's length third party with respect to the distribution of $SIMURG and is not acting in the capacity of financial advisor or fiduciary of any person in relation to the distribution of $SIMURG.


Nature of the Whitepaper:  The Whitepaper and the Website are for general informational purposes only and do not constitute a prospectus, offer document, offer of securities, solicitation for investment, or any offer to sell any product, item, or asset (digital or otherwise). The information herein may not be exhaustive and does not imply any element of a contractual relationship. There is no assurance as to the accuracy or completeness of such information, and no representations, warranties or undertakings are made or purported to be provided as to the accuracy or completeness of such information. Where the White Paper or Website contains information obtained from third-party sources, the Company, the Distributor, their respective affiliates and/or the SIMURG team have not independently verified the accuracy or completeness of such information. You further acknowledge that circumstances may change and, as a result, the Whitepaper or the Website may become outdated; and neither the Company nor the Distributor is under any obligation to update or correct this document in connection therewith.

$SIMURG Token: It is designed to be used $SIMURG, and this is the purpose of $SIMURG distribution. In particular, $SIMURG highlighted:

  1. It does not have any tangible or physical manifestations, and it does not have any intrinsic value (nor does any person make any representations or make any commitments as to its value);

  2. It is non-refundable and cannot be exchanged for cash (or its equivalent value in any other digital asset) or any payment obligation by the Company, the Distributor or any of their respective affiliates;

The information provided here is only conceptual and describes the future development goals for which the SIMURG will be developed. In particular, the project roadmap contained in the White Paper is shared for the purpose of outlining some of the plans of the SIMURG team and is for informational purposes only and does not constitute any binding commitment. The use herein of any company and/or platform name or trademark (other than that relating to the Company, Distributor or their respective affiliates) does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement of any third party. References to specific companies and platforms in the Whitepaper or on the Website are for illustrative purposes only.

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